Dr. Molly Barrow

The Official Dr. Molly Barrow Blog offers educational self help advice about relationships, business, dating, marriage, parenting, teenagers and children, self-esteem, love and romance. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D in psychology and is the author of Matchlines for Singles and the self-esteem adventure series, Malia and Teacup Awesome African Adventure and Malia and Teacup Out on a Limb. Dr. Molly is a relationship and psychology expert host on progressiveradionnetwork.com and television guest.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spouse Lost Their Job? Relationship expert Dr. Molly Barrow

When your spouse tells you that he has lost his job, you may feel like reacting with desperate panic. However, this is a time to consider the enormous pressure on your spouse more than your own feelings. Losing a job is a very serious blow, especially for a man or the "breadwinner." Many men have their self worth tied closely to their ability to work and they may be more depressed than you can imagine. Some men can become so distraught about their job loss that may even consider suicide.

Even if you feel like screaming, let your spouse have a few days to get things in perspective. At first, when something bad happens, it is really hard to see a rainbow behind that dark cloud. Remember that one can always find a better job and a change is usually for the best.

Let your spouse hear and know that as a team you will find a solution and that you love them jobless as much as you did when they were employed. You may not feel it but it is a gift that you can give when your loved one is vulnerable and feeling too fragile to go on. They are tattered and beaten up by what happen and you can throw them a lifeline. Trust that they will do their best to right the situation as soon as they can.

Besides, you can always yell in a few days when they are feeling better. If by then the situation has improved, perhaps you won't need to get upset at all.

BIO: Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official Web Site: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love," ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women's Health, Harvard Business School, Women's World and Shrink About This columnist for Menstuff.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Your Partner's Emotions! Relationship Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

When a partner seems to be letting you down, ignoring you or responding angrily to the simplest request, do you think they do not care for you?

Take a look at yourself. How do you react when you are stressed, grieving or experiencing failure? Often we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and have all the excuses in the world why we are tired, late, absent or disinterested. However, sometimes, we use a different measure for our partner.

Because we have so much riding on our relationship, we make every response of our partner too important. If they are crabby, we feel unsettled and want to fix it. If they seem depressed, we imagine they are in love with someone else. If they are angry, we think they do not care. Certainly we must be on the lookout for cracks in the relationship, but hypervigilance can go too far.

Allow your partner to have human emotions, to not be madly in love every day and to feel the rise and fall of emotions created by everyday stress. Try to use a compassionate eye on your partner's behavior, as well as your own. When life gets rough, it is not easy to put on a happy face, especially with the one you love.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Protect Yourself From Stress Relationship Expert Dr Molly Barrow

Rough day?
When the unimaginable happens to you, a lost deal, a loss of a good friend or an eviction notice on the door, sometimes it seems too hard to go on. Our chests are heavy and each breath is an effort. What can we do to cope?

You instinctively know to raise your hand to protect yourself from a physical blow. The best way to protect yourself from bad news and the wretched internal damage that stress can cause is to work yourself hard physically. Immediately grab your walking shoes and force your body to move however you are able. Break a sweat and really move it for thirty minutes. If it is too cold outside, dance or jump up and down or just shake a foot. You may not find a solution to your problem in thirty minutes, but you will have protected yourself from a fist full of damaging stress.

In a calmer state you will be able to think more clearly and find a new solution.Check with your doctor for a regular exercise program to help prevent stress wear and tear.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dating Depression Self Help Relationship Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Dating can cause disillusionment and frustration in the best of times and depression and self disgust in the worst of times. Are you putting yourself out there and then judging your attractiveness by the lack of response that comes your way? Maybe it is not you...could there be a shortage of good buyers where you are shopping?

Just remember: Right now there is a glut of homes for sale. Circumstances have made it difficult for buyers to get mortgages and sell their homes. No matter how hard a realtor may be trying to sell your lovely home there just may not be a buyer in the room. Does that mean that the house is junk? No way!

You are worthy of love, too. But, are you shopping for love in a bar...?

Keep the faith! Houses eventually sell and you will eventually find True Love.
Be sure to take the Match Lines Test before your next date to avoid wasting time on the wrong one.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Friday, October 26, 2007

First Date, Single and Looking? Relationship Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Many of our hopes and dreams can sabotage us when we are planning that first date? Often we have waited far too long for the "Right One" to come along. Finally, when we do meet someone with "potential," we overdo and appear too eager and starved for attention. Ask yourself the following questions to see if you are trying too hard on a first date:

1. Did I buy a new outfit for this first date?
2. Did I lose sleep last night anticipating or getting anxious?
3. Did I call my mother or best friend and announce I have a date?
4. Did I change my hair with dye, highlights or a weave?
5. Did I cancel other important plans for a concert, show or friend's party?

A first date is an opportunity to get to know each other. If you try too hard to impress or please your date, he or she will feel pressured and probably not go out with you again. Dating is browsing. Save the intensity for a much later date when you are sure you have found a winner and not a taker. For more information about dating, check out www.drmollybarrow.com.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Join Match Lines Family Forum for Dating Advice and Relationship Advice

www.drmollybarrow, the premium site for relationships, has just added a relationship forum for members that offers support, experience of other members and access to comments by Dr. Molly Barrow, licensed Mental Health Counselor, relationship author and Menstuff columnist. The Match Lines Family Forum is a benefit for members in addition to discounts on products and the Match Lines Relationship Tests for Singles and Couples, the monthly newsletter and the Private Library. Membership to www.drmollybarrow costs $4.00 a month ($48/year).

By Dr. Molly (2007-10-21 22:35:21)
Welcome to the Match Lines Family Forum. Please share your ideas, questions or comments about love and life.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Coming Home, Men? Relationship expert Dr. Molly Barrow

If you come home from work and walk in the door to find all hell breaking loose, what is the first thing to do to restore discipline and control?

Stop and Listen.
Take a few moments simply to observe. The screaming five-year-old might have just had her favorite toy snatched by the eight-year-old. If you yell at the five-year-old, you will reinforce the eight-year-old’s rotten behavior and the five-year-old will remind you of it on your eightieth birthday. Better to say nothing, than to accuse falsely.

Everyone Needs a Moment
If Mom or the Nanny has been in control, let them stay in control until you make the often-complicated transition from worker or boss to Dad. If you have a few moments to get into your comfortable clothes, take a shower or take a breath after a hectic day, then you may avoid taking out your stress on the wrong people. Discuss with your partner in advance the amount of transition time that you need, perhaps 10-20 minutes to change roles. Promise to take over the kids and let him or her have a necessary break from the family to take a walk or recoup their sanity before all the food preparation and bedtime rituals begin.

Just Hold It
Eventually school age children can learn to wait, but young children cannot hold in their emotions. Toddlers may have to be carried around when you first arrive. Young children do not know how to delay gratification and will annoy you so much that you may yell at them and break their hearts. Do not ask them to do what they developmentally cannot do, yet.

Spouse Comes First.
Spouses may have urgent issues to discuss. If you ignore your spouse, paybacks will be later and not good.
Ask your spouse what would help him or her the most and then ask the kids to help you. That way you are giving them both some time and energy. Reassure your spouse that you will set aside time to discuss whatever he or she needs in a few minutes. The absolute best thing that you can do for your children is to have a good relationship with their other parent. Fighting, yelling or shunning your spouse leaves big marks on your children.

Give Children What They Want
Needy children and spouses will compete for your attention. You may just want to relax, but that is not going to happen until they know you care about them. Children may have waited the whole day for your return. Take time to sit still and let them all talk to you, look each one in the eye, tell them you are happy to see them and you missed them. If you are affectionate, then give hugs all around and smile at them. If you try to bypass this step, your children will turn to misbehaving to get your highly desired attention. Better to give them attention before they start to act up. Tell them, “When you can quiet down, I want you to sit next to me so I can hear about your day. Who will be first?” Try to ignore the one who acts unruly and reward the one who is talking nicely to you. Ask the children to do for you, get you water, rub your aching feet, or fan you gently. They want to love you and after a hard day, you can benefit from their attention lavished on you.

Spare the Rod
You are tired, hungry and ready to spank. However, striking a child by any other name is still striking a child. Slapping a bottom or hand is not teaching good behavior, slapping a child only teaches violence. Be sure that is what you want your child to learn from you; someday you will be dependant on your children’s kindness and care, and that could be ugly. Millions of people raise children without hitting, screaming, spanking or grabbing them and so can you. Time-out is a consequence of not following parental rules and does make children modify their behavior. Older children respond to grounding and restriction of computer, phone, games and company. If you are crossing the discipline line to abuse, get some counseling.

The Washing Machine is Broken, Two Checks Bounced and We have a Parent-Teacher Meeting.
If you are the one he is coming home to, and you love your children, shut up. Let the man get in the door and see his children, relax and de-stress. Only if someone is bleeding, should you meet your man at the door with a bunch of negative comments that when added to work and traffic, could cause him to stroke out. That anger will likely be diverted to noisy, happy children who will feel blindsided by mean Dad. Almost all things can wait until the next business day. Keep your bad news to yourself until you set a time to discuss family issues after the children are busy elsewhere and you can listen quietly to each other. Otherwise, he will just boss you around and not ever get the details. You will be mad and frustrated and end up taking care of everything yourself anyway. Transition time is sacred.

So pick up the toddler, kiss your spouse and let the games begin.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Trinny and Susannah! Relationship expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Trinny and Susannah are brillant at dressing all our bodies with humor, good psychology and affection. Oprah and I agree and I hope you discover the two British lassies for yourself!

From The Oprah Winfrey Show "Look 10 Pounds Thinner—Instantly!"


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Old Grief Feels New! Relationship Dating Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Sometimes for no apparent reason, old grief, we thought was long gone, hits us squarely in the belly. Suddenly, we can not take a deep breath or keep our mind on the present. We time-travel physically to when grief was fresh and we hurt now just like we did then. There is no need to avoid the wash of memories, just hold still, remember, cry, grieve and the feelings will soon pass. Some theories attribute memory to more than just our brain, our bodies may remember too. Deep tissue massages can reawaken old grief that is shocking and vivid. Some triggers are a scent or tune that is linked to a traumatic event. Grief is a natural part of caring and each time we grieve we also heal. However, if depression seems to linger, then medication and therapy can help.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Do You Have High or Low Self-Esteem? Relationship Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Low self-esteem in a relationship can make interaction with a partner become skewed and so out of balance that you drive your partner to be so annoyed and frustrated that they may lose control, become verbally abusive, violent or simply walk out the door. You are the one who is hurting inside and yet your partner gets mad at you, and hurts your feelings even more. Low self-esteem can be a result of poor parenting, abuse, neglect or depreciating self-talk. The origin of your low self-esteem may not be your fault. However, in a relationship you are obligated to learn how to work well with your partner without emotional meltdowns or quitting just because you predict that you will probably fail anyway. If your partner has to carry you emotionally, eventually you could become a burden and ruin all the good times. Self-esteem can be repaired with the help of a good therapist or by reading excellent self-help books. Find out if you have high or low self-esteem by taking the Match Lines Compatibility Test for Singles $29, couples $39 and Business at www.drmollybarrow.com

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Internet Business Advice: School Work to Social Change


Listen to the hour long lecture by Dr. Molly Barrow on Internet Business and Marketing Skills for Professionals given as a teleseminar for Walden University.

BIO: Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official Web Site: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love," ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women's Health, Harvard Business School, Women's World and Shrink About This columnist for Menstuff.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Communication is Your Responsibility! Relationship dating expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Ultimately, it is the speaker’s responsibility to get their message received. Sometimes the most important part of communication is realizing that you must speak at the lowest level of communication, rather than at the highest. Like trying to learn a foreign language you must speak so that your partner understands, however slowly, repetitively or simply that may be. It is the obligation of the speaker to be sure he or she is communicating at a level that is right for the listener. Never assume that another person understands your words. The tone of voice, body language, state of mind and content can make any word have multiple meanings. The communication category can improve easily with a little work and benefit all areas of your life, especially in intimate relationships.

BIO: Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official Web Site: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love," ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women's Health, Harvard Business School, Women's World and Shrink About This columnist for Menstuff.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Moms, Kids and Dinner! Relationship and Dating Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

According to Dr. David Perlmutter, the healthy brain thrives on a diet of high quality protein, like fish and nut oils, the right carbs, and fresh vegetables and fruit. Sensitivity to wheat, milk, eggs or additives, and vitamin or mineral deficiencies can make the mind, as well as the body ill. Many highly stressed kids eat waffles for breakfast, macaroni and cheese for lunch and pizza for dinner. Parents wonder why their children are depressed, fearful, obsessed or paranoid with diets of predominantly wheat, sugar and milk. Childhood diabetes and psychotropic medication for children is increasing alarmingly. With your doctor's consent consider providing you and your child's brain and body a wide variety of organic vegetables and fruit in conjunction with great exercise. Perhaps behavior problems or sleep issues will improve right along with your child’s physical health.

BIO: Introducing the new relationship compatibility test, Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships for Singles, Couples and Business by psychology expert, Dr. Molly Barrow. Official Web Site: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for dating, pre-marital, marriage, and business relationships. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love," ISBN 159507158X. As an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor, Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women's Health, Harvard Business School, Women's World and Shrink About This columnist for Menstuff.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Relationship Couples Test and Singles Dating Test Dr. Molly Barrow

Dr. Molly Barrow announces the launch of her new testing site for relationships at http://drmollybarrow.com
After extensive human behavior research for her dissertation, coupled with years of custody evaluations, Dr. Barrow developed an innovative way to identify compatibility in a relationship partner. The new web site offers a relationship test for singles to identify their strengths and weaknesses in a relationship, and then graphs what to look for in a compatible and best Match partner. For couples, there is a four part test that looks at the relationship from many angles and graphs the strengths, weaknesses's and compatibility of the relationship. The Business application will launch in December 07.

The Match Lines Compatibility for Singles, Couples and Business can bring happiness and harmony to many relationships.

Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love," ISBN 159507158X. She is an authority on relationship and psychological topics, a member of the American Psychological Association and a licensed mental health counselor. Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, Harvard Business School, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women's Health and Women's World.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007




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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Employee and Employer Relationships! Expert Dr. Molly Barrow

Excerpt from article for Robert Deane, Correspondent
Southwest Florida Business Today

Trust is the main issue that begins to erode when an employee and employer experience misunderstandings or perceive unfair treatment. Certainly, an employee must be accountable to their employer. However, there is an implied dependence where the captive employee trusts their employer to treat them with consideration and fairness. The employer in turn trusts that the employee is hard working and honest. Problems occur when the boss treats the worker like a machine separate from his or her feelings, frailties and family demands or the worker takes advantage of the boss. Ultimately, it is in the employer’s best interest to treat their employer respectfully and with consideration for their health and family needs. The employer and employee relationship can have an atmosphere of mutual respect and loyalty, when both parties’ consider and respect each other’s needs and priorities. It is human nature for an employer to want too much from their employees and for the employee to resist sacrificing their home lives to help an employer gain financially. Clearly, the employer must earn and deserve loyalty because they provide their employees a better-than-fair deal. In exchange, most employees will then give far more output than what their paycheck represents.

If communication becomes strained, or an employee threatens to quit, the employer would be wise to seek professional counseling to help both sides see the disagreement as a challenge to solve not as the last straw. Not really marriage counseling, but definitely relationship counseling! Learning to communicate your needs and priorities without anger or shame is essential in any communication situation. Many are not able to do this especially when their livelihood is on the line.

Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X.

Introducing the new relationship compatibility test Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships by psychology expert Dr. Molly Barrow on her official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Find love and healthy relationship advice for pre-marital, marriage, dating and business relationships. She is an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Authors Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor. Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist Menstuff.