Dr. Molly Barrow

The Official Dr. Molly Barrow Blog offers educational self help advice about relationships, business, dating, marriage, parenting, teenagers and children, self-esteem, love and romance. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D in psychology and is the author of Matchlines for Singles and the self-esteem adventure series, Malia and Teacup Awesome African Adventure and Malia and Teacup Out on a Limb. Dr. Molly is a relationship and psychology expert host on progressiveradionnetwork.com and television guest.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Take a Mental Break from Toddler Books

Is your toddler resisting taking his or her nap? All parents taking care of preschoolers sorely need breaks and help. If possible, share the work with a responsible adult, a grandparent, an older sibling, another parent with a toddler or your spouse. Take shifts and share blocks of time when only one of you is responsible and "On."

Here is a parenting tip. Before you get too frustrated as you try to get an active youngster to sleep, read something to them that you will actually enjoy learning. You can switch from Dr. Seuss to a hobby magazine, the sports page, a book of favorite poems or a fashion article. The sound of your voice calms them, and simultaneously you will get a mental break while you do something for yourself.

Keep it the subject PG because although they may not act like they are listening children easily remember many lines and songs from kid movie. Make sure you do not mind hearing your article or poem repeated back in front of company.

On long days of child caring without help from another adult, you may need to take mini breaks to help you survive the repetitive and mundane tasks. Perhaps your child has outgrown his or her favorite books and may also enjoy listening to your new reading material.


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