Dr. Molly Barrow

The Official Dr. Molly Barrow Blog offers educational self help advice about relationships, business, dating, marriage, parenting, teenagers and children, self-esteem, love and romance. Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D in psychology and is the author of Matchlines for Singles and the self-esteem adventure series, Malia and Teacup Awesome African Adventure and Malia and Teacup Out on a Limb. Dr. Molly is a relationship and psychology expert host on progressiveradionnetwork.com and television guest.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Are You the Worst? Dr. Molly Barrow Relationship Expert

Have you ever felt like you were the worst?
Maybe you joined a new office a year ago and you are still lost and confused. Maybe you are a new mother and your child seems inconsolable. Perhaps you are failing at everything and feel like you will never measure up.

Janice and Crissy were star high school athletes. One was a great golfer and the other was the school's top softball player. They had all the popularity and success that high school kids could want. Then they tried out for the swim team. Their confused parents thought it was odd and even thought it wouldn't last. The girls were the worst ones on the team and could barely swim, much less race. Each time their parent's picked them up after swim practice, they heard discouraging stories about mouthfuls of water while attempting the Butterfly stroke and skinned feet from trying a flip turn. Why would two winners choose to be the worst?

At the parent's meeting, one sunburned coach stood up and began talking about these new and unskilled swimmers.
"I will give a Varsity Letter to these swimmers even if they come in last at every meet. They have the right attitude, they do what I tell them to do, they show up and they try really hard. Right now they can't swim very well. But I see the potential in them to be great swimmers and I want them on my team. I can teach anyone to swim, but not to have a positive attitude and heart. I can see what they will be in two years and they will be great."
The parents left, realizing they had been shortsighted, and shared the coach's words with their children.

The next time you feel discouraged and fail again after you have tried so hard, take a moment to be your own coach and focus on your potential. Keep your good positive attitude, show up and try hard. You will be great someday.

Dr. Molly Barrow holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is the author of the new book, “Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love,” ISBN 159507158X. Introducing the new relationship compatibility test Match Lines Systems for Successful Relationships by psychology expert Dr. Molly Barrow on her official website: http://www.DrMollyBarrow.com. Love and healthy relationship advice for pre-marital, marriage, dating and business relationships. She is an authority on relationship and psychological topics; a member of the American Psychological Association, Screen Actors Guild, and Author’s Guild and is a licensed mental health counselor. Dr. Molly has appeared as an expert in the film, My Suicide, documentaries Ready to Explode and KTLA Impact, NBC news, PBS In Focus, WBZT talk radio and in O Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsday, The Nest, MSN.com, Yahoo, Match.com, N Magazine, Women’s Health, Harvard Business School, Women’s World and Shrink About This columnist for Scripps newspapers, Hitched Magazine and Menstuff. Dr. Molly Barrow Radio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com


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